Wednesday, April 9, 2008

GRWY- The Whole Sha-bang.

Okay- so here's each piece of my blogging for the Greenway piece. Concept, Process and Final.

Concept: My other group members were Lisa and Alyssa. After some brainstorming we determined a couple important aspects of our Greenway piece. 
#1- It would be a mailer. 8.5 x 11'', folded in half, and sealed with a sticker. We focused the information primarily on volunteer opportunities, and even made a text blurb that could be incorporated with the Greenway logo as almost a sub-identity for Greenway volunteering programs. 
#2- We knew that Greenway didn't want the piece to feel too coroporate, so we decided some hand-done (but on the computer) illustrations of native plantlife would be a good way to make it less formal, or corporate. The illustrations would also emphasiz
e the ideas of spring and growth that we wanted to communicate in our piece.

Process: It was sort of difficult to get things done in an efficient, yet evenly divided up way with three group members all working on the same piece. So we decided to each take one side of the mailer. Lisa had the front, I had the inside, and Alyssa had the back. We each did on our piece mostly out of class, but we discussed styles and visual elements in class so that we would have a more cohesive piece. We received feedback on our design from Theresa at Greenway. She wanted more focus on the Arbor Day event, and less on the volunteering opportunity. So we spent the majority of one class and editing information and redoing our heirarchy, and I think it turned out really well. Lisa touched up the illustrations, and we made a few changes to make the three sides of the piece be even more cohesive. 
Final: So the project is all done and submitted to Theresa, and I'm pretty happy with what we turned out. I like how fun and friendly our piece felt, which I think is very important when the main goal is to get people personally involved with something. You don't want a design to intimidate them too much. I think the text on the inside that we re-worked after our rough draft turned out very well. And Lisa's illustrations were great. So all in all, I'm pretty happy with the piece that we turned out. Let's see how Greenway agrees with me!

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