Hey everyone! As you can see, my blog looks a little different than the last time you visited!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
BLG- Final
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
PYL- In Progress
Hey everyone. Welcome to part two of my blogging for our polymer plate printing project. Try saying THAT five times fast!

PYL- Concept
Hey y'all! So as my fellow classmates all know, right now we're in the process of creating, refining and doing the technical set-up for our polymer printing plates. We each get two 4x6 prints, and two colors for printing. We were also each given a pre-fix for the word "Made" (ie. man-made, pre-made, ready-made, ect.) Mine word is well-made. So let's take a look at what I've been working on!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
SRS- Final
The Series piece is finally all done and turned it! That's a load off! Haha but I don't mean to make it sound like I didn't enjoy the project- because I did. A lot more than I thought I would too. I really enjoyed making a campaign, not just one piece that stands on it's own. I think that making series/campaigns is more applicable to the kind of work we'll all be doing after we graduate. I think it's doubtful we'll have many projects that are just ONE thing. For a concert you need posters, tshirts, tickets, advertisements... for ads, you might have magazine, newspaper, billboard... ect. When we get closer to graduating, we'll need business cards, a portfolio, website, ect. that all work cohesively together and communicate a strong, solid identity. So I think doing this project was really good practice for that.
GRWY- The Whole Sha-bang.
Okay- so here's each piece of my blogging for the Greenway piece. Concept, Process and Final.