Hey everyone- My apologies for being so bad about keeping up with my blog! I've really got some catching up to do! So here is one of the many blog posts I'll be writing today. This one is about the progress I'm making on my series.

Hey everyone- My apologies for being so bad about keeping up with my blog! I've really got some catching up to do! So here is one of the many blog posts I'll be writing today. This one is about the progress I'm making on my series.
So here's my final critique for my poster. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. I think the text at the bottom is my favorite part, and that's probably because I'm usually very conservative in my use of type. The image is usually the focal point, with the text being secondary, but in this poster, the text itself acts acts the main images, with the other images being the secondary element. I think I also like this poster a lot because my style is usually very clean and simple, and for this poster I got to push away from that and create something more grungy and exciting, which was fun for me. I do agree with the class feedback which said that it would be a more effective and attention-grabbing poster if it were scaled larger. When I revise the poster to be part of the Series, I'll definitely make it bigger. I'll also be makign it even more grungy, I'm thinking about finding a font that looks like it's been screen or block printed- but it would have to be a really convincing typeface, I don't want it to look cheesy or fake. So I'm looking into maybe actually printing the letters and phrases I want somehow, and then scanning them. We'll see how that turns out.
I created this blog to document my progress through my Graphic Studio class. I will eventually have preliminary brainstorms, sketches, and finals of each project posted here, so keep checking back!