Hey everyone! As you can see, my blog looks a little different than the last time you visited!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
BLG- Final
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
PYL- In Progress
Hey everyone. Welcome to part two of my blogging for our polymer plate printing project. Try saying THAT five times fast!

PYL- Concept
Hey y'all! So as my fellow classmates all know, right now we're in the process of creating, refining and doing the technical set-up for our polymer printing plates. We each get two 4x6 prints, and two colors for printing. We were also each given a pre-fix for the word "Made" (ie. man-made, pre-made, ready-made, ect.) Mine word is well-made. So let's take a look at what I've been working on!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
SRS- Final
The Series piece is finally all done and turned it! That's a load off! Haha but I don't mean to make it sound like I didn't enjoy the project- because I did. A lot more than I thought I would too. I really enjoyed making a campaign, not just one piece that stands on it's own. I think that making series/campaigns is more applicable to the kind of work we'll all be doing after we graduate. I think it's doubtful we'll have many projects that are just ONE thing. For a concert you need posters, tshirts, tickets, advertisements... for ads, you might have magazine, newspaper, billboard... ect. When we get closer to graduating, we'll need business cards, a portfolio, website, ect. that all work cohesively together and communicate a strong, solid identity. So I think doing this project was really good practice for that.
GRWY- The Whole Sha-bang.
Okay- so here's each piece of my blogging for the Greenway piece. Concept, Process and Final.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
SRS- In Progress
Hey everyone- My apologies for being so bad about keeping up with my blog! I've really got some catching up to do! So here is one of the many blog posts I'll be writing today. This one is about the progress I'm making on my series.

Sunday, March 2, 2008
PSTR- Final Critique
So here's my final critique for my poster. Overall, I'm pretty happy with it. I think the text at the bottom is my favorite part, and that's probably because I'm usually very conservative in my use of type. The image is usually the focal point, with the text being secondary, but in this poster, the text itself acts acts the main images, with the other images being the secondary element. I think I also like this poster a lot because my style is usually very clean and simple, and for this poster I got to push away from that and create something more grungy and exciting, which was fun for me. I do agree with the class feedback which said that it would be a more effective and attention-grabbing poster if it were scaled larger. When I revise the poster to be part of the Series, I'll definitely make it bigger. I'll also be makign it even more grungy, I'm thinking about finding a font that looks like it's been screen or block printed- but it would have to be a really convincing typeface, I don't want it to look cheesy or fake. So I'm looking into maybe actually printing the letters and phrases I want somehow, and then scanning them. We'll see how that turns out.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
SRS- Ridiculous Song lyrics (Why mainstream radio sucks)
Sorry if some of these are super vulgar.... that's part the reason they suck.
Soulja Boy- Crank That
I'm Jocking On Yo Bitch Ass
And If We Get The Fightin
Then I'm Cocking On Your Bitch ass
Fergalicious- Fergie
Fergalicious definition make them boys go loco
They want my treasure so they get their pleasures from my photo
You can see me, you can't squeeze me
I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease 'em
Boys just come and go like seasons
Sexual Eruption- Snoop Dogg
I'm gonna take my time, she gon get hers before I get mine
I'm gonna take it slow (woah woah)
I'm not gonna rush the stroke
So she can get a sexual eruption
Avril Lavigne- Girlfriend
Don't pretend I think you know I'm damn precious
And hell yeah I'm the motherfucking princess
Webbie- Independent
She A Bad Lil Chick A Fly Lil Chick
Hit Me On My Phone She Like To Buy That Dick
Got Her Stunna Shades Lookin Like Something
Stallion Hair Long She A Nice Sumthing
She Like To Go To The Mall Everyday For A Outfit
Hair Did Nails Did Independent Wat She Call That
Pussycat Dolls- Buttons
I'm telling you loosen up my buttons baby
But you keep fronting
Saying what you going do to me
But I ain't seen nothing
Taylor Swift- Teardrops On My Guitar
He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar
The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star
Amy Winehouse- Rehab
I ain’t got the time
And if my daddy thinks im fine
He’s tried to make me go to rehab
I wont go, go, go.
Nickelback- Figure You Out
I like your pants around your feet
I like the dirt that's on your knees
And I like the way you still say please
While you're looking up at me
Mims- This Is Why I'm Hot
This is why I'm hot
I don't gotta rap
I can sell a million saying nothing on the track
Lil' Mama- Lipgloss
They say my lip gloss is cool
My lip gloss be poppin
Im standin at my locker
And all the boys keep stoppin
T-Pain- Buy You A Drank
Whats The Chance A You Rollin Wit Me
Back To The Crib
Show You How I Live
Lets Get Drunk Forget What We Did
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
SRS- Planning
Hi everyone- so here's an update on my series. I'm going to do a very take-it-to-the-streets campaign, nothing corporate feeling, everything very grunge. My media may include street posters, flyers, stickers, t-shirts, and/or a flash website. Even though a website seems more corporate, I would really like to do one, and it's going to be done in a very non-corporate style. And in today's world where anyone can blog and create websites, and because it's a such a good medium for mass-communication and organization, and the people I'm targeting are of the net generation, I don't think it will make my series too corporate. Some pics for inspiration will follow soon.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
SRS- Inspiration for style
I'm definately going to continue the general style that I started on my poster, but I think I'm going to exaggerate it more. When I started my poster Ange suggested that I play up a sort of 90s-grunge look (think Nirvana, flannel shirts, greasy hair... you children of the 90s know what I mean. :P) But I think it would be a very appropriate for a poster that's major tagline is "MAINSTREAM SUCKS". I really enjoy making flash websites, so one of the pieces in my series will definitely be that. I'm think of an animation intro to the website with a couple shocking facts about the big media takeover of radio, and then a grunge-like style for the rest of the site. Here's a screen shot of one website that was close to the type of style I think I'll go for.
SRS- Inspiration for Content

Pay for play
Why does radio suck? Because most stations play only the songs the record companies pay them to. And things are going to get worse.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Eric Boehlert
March 14, 2001 | Does radio seem bad these days? Do all the hits sound the same, all the stars seem like cookie cutouts of one another?
It's because they do, and they are.
Why? Listeners may not realize it, but radio today is largely bought by the record companies. Most rock and Top 40 stations get paid to play the songs they spin by the companies that manufacture the records.
But it's not payola -- exactly. Here's how it works. Click to read the rest of this article.
Radio's big bully
A complete guide to Salon's reporting on Clear Channel, the most powerful -- and some would say pernicious -- force in the music industry.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
For the past few months, Salon reporter Eric Boehlert has been tracking the story of Clear Channel Communications, the little-noticed media giant that has quietly taken over the country's radio and concert industries.
The company owns nearly 1,200 radio stations and effectively controls the rock radio market. It also owns SFX Entertainment, the nation's dominant concert-venue owner and touring promoter.
In the stories below, Boehlert has detailed the corporation's evolution under the aegis of Randy Michaels, the one-time shock jock who has turned the industry upside down with rampant cost-cutting and a good-ol'-boy approach to management. Click here to read the rest of this article.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Website Is Up!
Yayyyy! My website for this class is up and running! The solution to the mystery of the non-working-STFP-uploader was solved by using Cyberduck, instead of Fugu or Fetch. Who knows why... computers are just crazy. But it works! So I don't really care why anymore. So here's my website, up and working!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
PSTR- Progress
Here's the evolution of my poster so far. I still have a lot of reworking to do with the images, so the picture on the left is NOT my final, but's it the current stage of progress I'm at. Right now I'm working on finding a balance between having the images be recognizable as people who represent why radio sucks, but keeping them toned-down enough so that they don't take the attention from the headline, which is the focal point of the poster. Ange pointed out that the poster doesn't direct your eye very well, your eye tends to get stuck up at the top, which I completely agree with. So I'm also trying to re-work the lines coming out of the radio so that they direct the eye better, instead of distracting. If anyone has any other ideas or constructive criticisms please feel free to tell me! Thanks!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Webspace Rant.
Wow this is so frustrating! I don't know if anyone else is having this same problem... but today in class I had NO problem using Fetch to upload things to my webspace, but when I go home and try to get to my webspace from fetch on my home computer, I get an error message EVERY TIME! "SFTP connection to "drotn008.email.umn.edu" could not be opened because the connection to the SFTP server could not be established or was lost". Huh?? So I guess I'll have to wait until I'm on a university computer in McNeal to try to put up a link to my blog. Boo :( Sorry Ange!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
PSTR- Initial Ideas
While looking at the list of "Things That Suck", I found the section on radio. It talks about how radio has become monotonous and brainless due to limited numbers of frequencies available and big media companies taking over huge numbers of stations. I did a speech on media consolidation with an emphasis on radio for my public speaking class last semester, so I know a fair amount of background on that issue. That speech also made me pretty interested in the issue and realize WHY all my favorite radio stations have disappeared in the last five or so years. For example, the time my favorite 80's, 90's and Today station mysteriously became a country station overnight to my dismay... booo Clear Channel Broadcasting... Boooo.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
REV- Sketches & Critique